Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First-time skiing (@ Sierra) - feb16

Went to Tahoe with Pande & Mrudula -- we took the bay area ski bus, so, it was a pretty jampacked day. I spent the night playing casual chess with PC & Sridhar, and had to be at the pickup area by 4am. After boarding, I was 'out' in no time -- missed the breakfast and all the goodies on the bus, but when I opened my eyes.. it was like I came to a just a whole new different world!! I think that was the best part of the trip - realizing where you are. I hadn't seen so much snow in my life, it was a treat and so beautiful. Soon, it started snowing as well.

I heard horror stories from some of my friends, and when I bought expensive ski gear as part of last-minute shopping I had my own misgivings. I heard that one either loves it or hates it. For me though it was more of love. I had experience skating and ice-skating before, so, I was hoping I would be okay skiing. Hey, at least the shoes were comfortable -- much more than the ones you get at skating rinks. M&P took me first time on the lift -- it was quite difficult to stay still. :) Pande gave me the first lessons on how to stop - Pizza slice (have the ski blades like a pizza slice, tapering in the front) and knees inward. What this basically does is it reduces the area of the ski blade exposed to snow and hence you won't zoom forward. That was my first lesson -- but I guess it was the foundation.

I took the rental + lift + lesson package and after coming down the first slope (very slowly), I went and joined the lesson. I think the toughest part of that lesson was walking uphill (it was very very low incline, but still) sideways and trying not to slide down. It totally sapped me!! :)

The lesson was very useful - learnt about the equipment (jacket, boots, skis, etc.), correct skiing posture (all the weight is basically supported by the boot and the shin), how to fall properly, how to get up after a fall, walking with the skis, hopping with the skis, balance, and when we got on to the snow -- how to turn and how to slow. The lesson did not teach us how to stop, but without that initial lesson from Pande I think I would be dead scared :) -- not knowing how to stop. I also learnt how to get off the chair.

I fell lifting off the chair every time for the first 3-4 times and learnt how to get up correctly from the instructor. I also took down Mrudula once (she was the most accomplished skier of the three of us). The lesson was 2.5hr long and as the day wore on I realized its worth. It was totally worth it, and the next time I will take a lesson as well (intermediate this time). You learn so much faster with a lesson. Pande & Mrudula had gone on this big trail when I was at the lesson, but post-lunch.. we were all together at the same trail. What I liked best about my time on the slopes was my fall. Sure, I learnt how to fall in the lesson, but I felt I was mastering it on the slopes ;). The snow was so fresh that it probably felt nice falling - it definitely did not hurt.

As I started negotiating turns initially, I always used to end up in a pizza. As I saw Mrudula do her turns, I started imitating her a bit and my turns got better. I was still not able to control my speed though. I could still control myself and come to a stop, but I could not slow down while coming down. I was taking the flattest portion of the hill as much as possible and doing my 'S'es for as long as I could without gaining speed. I was too afraid to start out on the steepest part of the slope. Only in the last couple of lifts, I attempted and finally negotiated the steepest part. Much more to learn.. but it was a fun experience. Adventurous! Each time I trust others (on the planning part), I enjoy an adventure. :)

Overall, the experience was awesome. We got back to bay area only at 1030pm but the trip was total paisa vasool!

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