Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dr. Strangelove?

Disclaimer: Movie plot & some details included.

'Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb' -- that's the most ridiculous name that I had ever come across while playing charades.  Upon hearing it first, I thought it was some thing like an Austin Powers movie.

Then, I watched it. It was a B/W movie. It was a war movie.. well, at least something about US carrying out an attach on Russia. I won't reveal much, but by the end of it, I wasn't sure what the movie was about. Maybe I should have read about the movie before watching it - I probably could have appreciated it more.

This is a userreview on imdb:
Stanley Kubrick's first and only comedic masterpiece is still the finest ever made. I love everything in the movie: the brilliant acting, sensational script, flawless direction, and even those quirky visual effects. Not only was this film hilarious, it was a breakthrough for the entire film industry when first released.
In the end, 'Dr. Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb' is the best comedy. It's also another milestone in film making and another reason to be astonished when looking at the work of Stanley Kubrick.

Sure, there was satire in the movie that I had recognized, but I wasn't even ready for it & failed to have a good laugh. I thought it was supposed to be a serious movie! What amazed me (post-movie research) was that Dr. Strangelove, the President and Captain Mandrake were all the same actor!! I sure missed that.

It was another Kubrick movie that had failed to impress me - Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Dr. Strangelove. Maybe I don't get him. I heard Full Metal Jacket (another Stanley Kubrick movie) was the best war movie ever made. Now, I have to judge that myself! Maybe, read a user review first.

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