Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Let's start.. 2016..

So.. what next? That is what I wondered after my iron-distance triathlon. Okay, that was way back in 2013! That sounds so lame, even to myself!!

As lame as it sounds though, yea, that was what it was.

The funny thing about goals is.. once you accomplish something you have striven for, there's this void you feel. Because you haven't really given a thought about what after. Time doesn't stop for anybody, and if you don't want to stop for anytime either, you better have something lined up next already. :-) And I don't mean something like "run-drive 2hrs-play scrabble-drive back-run at night-play scrabble in day-run" event.

Since 2013, I have kinda wondered what next. For 2014 I had registered for IMLT (for redemption) but I wasn't fully convinced I wanted to do it. The registration happened before The Great Floridian. Well, the lack of intent showed up in how well 2014 was. A bunch of DNF's (did not finish'es) resulted. For 2015, I registered for a race called 'World's Toughest Mudder.' But I promptly cashed in my 'Life Got In The Way' card! I did get in some nice hikes and backpacking and long bike ride experiences though! :)

So come 2016 - at least I was clear about one thing. I am done with road races. Too much money! And I can plan a route myself and do it. Why pay? With trail runs though, the support is totally worth it! And awesome support as well from my limited experience of going to a few of them.

So, it's settled. Trail runs is the way forward. About time for something new too. After the backpacking experience of 2015 that was totally inspirational, trails are the way to go. :) One of the good things about 2015 was I could postpone my WTM registration to 2016. And it was not a road race.

What is World's Toughest Mudder? It is something totally insane! I am fairly used to crazy, but this seems crazy even to me. It is a 24-hr race which involves doing as many tough mudder loops which involve stuff like lifting logs, walking through ice, jumping off a 20ft-high plank into water and swimming. And this, round the clock! I am scared. Of jumping into water at night! And I haven't found any company for what seems like totally off-the-charts adventure! :)

The good thing though, is that, I have time. Precisely 6 months.

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