Monday, July 12, 2010

After every uphill, there is a downhill...

.. and then some more uphills, maybe. That's life! Or.. at least that's how hill training is. You just have to enjoy the down hill, make sure you don't go crazy and I guess brace yourself for the uphill that you are going to weather.

Speaking of which, it was a great weather to go out for a long ride. Not too hot.. and a gentle breeze.

If only I knew where I was going. I have never used a cue sheet so far for the rides (only because I am too lazy to get a cue clip?). So, I had a vague idea of the ride. Add to that, I was riding alone. I knew I had to go on Alameda Las Pulgas.. and the next road I remembered was Sand Hill Rd. I had no idea for how long though. That made for a really interesting ride on Alameda Las Pulgas. It kept going on and on.. and on. For 9 miles. At that point, I felt.. in general about life too.. that perhaps it was good to have some short term direction. :) Luckily, for me, eventually, I did end up on Sand Hill, but those 30-40min, I was totally lost!!

Thoroughly enjoyed the whole 'solo' thing though.

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